Toe Straighteners

The toe straighteners category of products comprise a range of variations and products with quite diverse terminology. They are all aimed to correct of straighten the toes by holding them in a better position.

A good summary of all the different toe straighteners or toe spacers.

Toe Straighteners are orthopedic devices designed to help align and separate the toes, promoting natural foot function and addressing various foot and toe-related issues. They are typically made of flexible silicone and are placed between the toes to gently stretch and restore the natural spacing between them. 

Toe Straighteners are primarily used to improve toe alignment by realigning and straightening the toes. They can be beneficial for conditions such as bunions, overlapping toes, hammer toes, and crooked toes.

By promoting proper toe alignment, Toe Straighteners can help alleviate foot pain associated with various conditions, including plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia (forefoot pain), and neuromas.

Wearing Toe Straighteners can help strengthen the muscles in your feet and toes. By encouraging toe splaying and natural arch support, they promote better muscle activation and development.

Proper alignment and toe spacing can enhance balance and stability while standing, walking, and engaging in physical activities.

Toe Straighteners can help improve blood circulation in the feet by eliminating toe crowding and allowing for better toe movement and flexibility.

Useful Resources:
Toe Straighteners
How to use a toe straightener?
Toe Straightener
T is for Toe Straightener
What correct toes do you recommend?
Correct the toes: ‘Toe Corrector’ or ‘Toe Straightener’?

Urea Foot Creams

The urea based foot creams are very helpful to manage a range of skin conditions that affect the foot. The higher concentrations of urea allow the ‘sloughing’ off of the drier flakes of skin and the lower concentrations of urea allow to more moisture to be retained in the skin.

Useful Resources:

Walker’s 15% and 25% Urea Foot Cream
The Effectiveness of the urea based creams
Should you use the 15% or 25% Walker’s Urea Foot Cream
Walkers Urea Foot Cream
What is the best concentration of urea for a good foot cream?
What foot cream do you recommend?

Calcaneal Stress Fractures

Calcaneal Stress Fractures are the second most common stress fracture in the foot and a typically an overuse injury. They can be diagnosed clinically with the calcaneal squeeze test and be confirmed with an MRI. The recovery can take months.

Useful Resources:
C is for the Calcaneal Squeeze Test (Podiatry ABC)
What is a calcaneal stress fracture? (Curation)
How to treat a calcaneal stress fracture? (Podiatry FAQ)
Causes of higher risk of stress fractures in female runners (Medical Dispatch)
Calcaneal Stress Fracture (PodiaPaedia)
Calcaneal stress fracture – forefoot or rearfoot strikers? (Run Research)
Do you have a stress fracture of the calcaneus? (Abilgic)
Calcaneal stress fractures in minimalist/barefoot runners (Podiatry Arena)
Calcaneal stress fractures in minimalist/barefoot runners (Foot Health Forum)


Erythromelalgia is a distressing and difficult to manage condition that affects the hands and feet and is characterized by intermittent attacks with the triad of symptoms of redness, warmth and burning pain that can last from minutes to days. It needs to be differentiated from chilblains and burning feet syndrome. It has a significant impact on quality of life and the ability to carry out the activities of daily living.

Useful Resources:


Onychophosis is the most common cause of pain in the nail sulcus. It is commonly mistaken for an ingrown toe nail. The pressure from the nail results in a build of of skin and it is that thicker skin in the nail groove that causes the pain.

The treatment of onychophosis usually will need the skills of a podiatrist to expertly debride the callused nail groove and remove the painful skin.

Not an ingrown toenail? (Podiatry Experts)
Onychophosis (PodiaPaedia)
Ingrown nail or Onychophosis? (Croydon Total Footcare)
The side of the toenail hurts, but its not ingrown (Podiatry FAQ)

Plantar Plate Tear

Plantar Plate Tear are a common problem causing pain in the forefoot.

Most useful resources:


This is a massage tool with ribs or ridges that you roll the foot over. It was designed by a podiatrist. Many people find it helpful for plantar fasciitis and those feet that are tired at the end of the day.


Using the Pediroller.

Most Useful Resources:
Does the PediRoller massager really help?
Buy the PediRoller 
Self Massage for Plantar Fasciitis (Plantar heel pain)
Foam rolling for plantar fasciitis
What does the science supporting foam rolling say?

Bunion Correctors

These are a splint or brace that you wear at night that are supposed to correct bunions. There is some debate if they do correct them or not, but the research shows that they can improve the angle of the big toe by a few degrees after a month of use.

Most Useful Resources:
Do bunion correctors work?
Do Bunion Correctors Work?
Do the “Bunion Correctors” actually work?
The Bunion Correctors
Bunion corrector gullibility
The bunion correctors – do they work?

Archie Arch Support Thongs

These are a uniquely Australian product where they call flip flops thongs! They are popular and widely used. Many podiatry clinics stock and sell the arch support thongs

Archie Arch Support Thongs

They are most widely used as they are just comfortable, but also used as an alternative and adjunct to using foot orthotics.

Most Useful Resources:
Thongs … only in Australia 
Archies Kids
Archies Thongs are selling themselves
Archies Arch Support Thongs
Archies Arch Support Thongs
What about the Archies arch support thongs?

The Short Foot Exercise

The short foot exercise is commonly used to treat flat or pronated feet, but there is very little evidence to support it use

Most Useful Resources:
Short Foot Exercise (Podiatry Arena)
Short Foot Exercise (PodiaPaedia)